Ad Specs
Ads for the Apache Plume newsletter should be sent camera-ready to Rebecca Murphy at in pdf or jpeg format. If borders are not included, a border will be added. Please send all ads in grayscale and as high resolution jpegs or as a pdf.
The newsletter is published on 11 by 17 inch white paper and folded to 8.5 x 11 inches, stapled and mailed to High Desert residents four times each year. The newsletter is printed in black ink.
Ads will be reviewed by the editorial staff and Board of Directors. Ads may be accepted, rejected or postponed by the Board at any time depending on space available or ad content.
Ad dimensions for the Apache Plume are:
Read more
Full page ad: 7.5 inches wide, 10 inches high
Half page ad: 7.5 inches wide, 5 inches high
Quarter page ad: 3.6 inches wide, 4.8 inches high
Business card ad: 3.6 inches wide, 2.4 inches high
Classified ad: 20 words or less
Ad Rates
Full page: $633 (all plus tax)
Half page: $320
Quarter page: $196
Business card: $100
Classified ad: $25
(Classified ads are free to High Desert residents selling household items or High Desert teenagers advertising lawn-care, babysitting or similar services.)
Click here to place a Classified Ad.
Ad payments by check or money order should be made to:
Editorial Enterprises
8809 Robin, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112
Questions or inquires about advertising can be directed to:
Rebecca Murphy, Apache Plume editor, at (505) 377-7227
or email to
Ad Deadlines
For advertising and copy deadlines and questions, please email Rebecca Murphy at
Publishing Schedule
The Apache Plume newsletter is published quarterly in February, May, August and November and is wholly supported by advertising. Display and classified ads are accepted on a space-available, first-come, first-served basis.
The newsletter is normally 24-28 black and white pages, and mailed to all High Desert homeowners. That's about 1,600 copies per issue.
Quarter-Page, Half-Page & Business Card-Size Ads
Example 1 below shows: 2 quarter-page ads
Example 2 below shows: A 1/2-page ad; business card-sized ad.
Click the images below to see full-sized copy of these pages: