Our Neighborhood Artists Rock! (2)

High Desert residents out for a stroll or a jog these days may be fortunate enough to come across some whimsically painted rocks along the trail. Someone (or maybe more than just one person) is taking the time and effort to paint these rocks and leave them outside to cheer their neighbors. These painted rocks were found along the trail on upper Spain in High Desert. Other similar rocks have been spotted near the Michial Emery Trailhead located off High Desert Place, NE.
Some of the rocks are virus-related ("Virus Bug Off!!” and “Virus Get Lost!”). Others are simply clever, with rocks painted as half-eaten M&Ms or as players in a PAC-MAN game. Some people have taken the rocks home to keep. Others have left them for their neighbors to view, along with a note or two. One note attached to a rock read: "Thanks for painting these rocks and putting (them) on our trail. We love seeing them and (they) uplift our day."