Board Nomination and Election Procedure
Procedures for nominating and electing Board members.
Conduct & Recording of Meetings Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure adherence to the provisions of the By‐Laws as
they relate to all official meetings of the Association and its various bodies.
Communications Policy
Defines standards, practices, and responsibilities for the Association's communications.
Community Wall Modification and Maintenance Policy
This policy provides guidance for homeowners' responsibility for common wall maintenance. Includes provisions for modifications to community walls as well as owner’s responsibility for maintenance of community walls
Delegation of Authority Policy
Defines the authority to sign various types of documents on behalf of High Desert Residential Owners Association.
Digital Recording Policy
This policy defines the practices of the association regarding digital image recordings and other electronic data collection.
Email Database Use Policy
Sets the rules and policies for administering the resident email address database.
Enforcement Policy
Covers the Board's policy and procedure for enforcement of applicable covenants, conditions and restrictions. It specifically addresses assessment delinquencies as well as violations of the Governing Documents, the Rental Agreement Policy and the New Construction Committee Directive Policy.
Estate Sale Policy
Defines and sets rules for holding estate sales within the High Desert community.
Gated Village Maintenance Policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish a common, equitable policy for addressing costs of maintenance within and around Gated Villages in High Desert Residential Owner’s Association.
Investment Policy
This policy defines how HDROA shall invest all operating and reserve account funds.
Landscaping Issues Policy
This policy is intended to provide guidance for the identification, assignment, and resolution of
landscape issues submitted by High Desert owners, contractors, and stakeholders in High
Member Conduct (Inappropriate Behavior) Policy
Establishes the right of the BOD to restrict or prohibit any activities that create monetary costs for the Association or other Owners, that create a danger to the health or safety of occupants of other Units, or that create an unreasonable source of annoyance.
Modifications Committee Policy
To establish consistent, transparent, and unbiased judgments, the MC will operate based upon the procedures described.
New Construction Committee Policy
Describes the Committee's policy to preserve and maintain the aesthetic character and values of High Desert properties, subsequent new construction taking place in existing Villages must be compatible with the overall design, style, and theme of each Village as originally approved.
Organizational Description and Committee Policy
Describes the current relationships and responsibilities of the various components that make up the HDROA organization and officially recognizes and sanctions their participation in the variety of functions and activities in which the Association is engaged. Replaces prior August 2006 version. Updated to reflect current committee organizational structure and incorporate references to Committee Charters and Code of Conduct requirements.
Rental Policy
On 21 November 2015, the Use Restrictions set forth in the Declaration were amended by the Association with the intention of limiting the occurrence of short‐term rentals within High Desert which were deemed to be disruptive and inconsistent with the character of a stable, single‐family residential community. The purpose of this Rental Policy and Procedure is to provide for the implementation,administration and enforcement of the amended Use Restriction.
Rules for Review | Inspection of Association Records Policy
Describes the requirement to make Association Books, Records, and Documents available to Members and others, and permit the Board of Directors to establish reasonable rules governing the inspection and copying of such Books, Records, and Documents.
Rules for Review | Inspection of Association Records (07-01-08)
Sign Policy
Summarizes the rules for the proper use and placement of real estate and other types of signs in High Desert.
Special Event Requests at the Michial Emery Trailhead Policy
Regards using the parking lot and adjacent High Desert open space land surrounding the Michial Emery Trailhead for the purpose of staging various commercial and non-commercial special events.
Download the Request use of the Michial Emery Trailhead for Special Events Form.
Policy Governing Requests for Special Events at Michial Emery Trailhead (10-14-09)
Village Proposals Policy
Describes Board guidelines and general conditions the Board will apply in considering proposals from Voting Members and/or interested owners for the adoption of new Village rules or changes in rules already in place.
Voting Member Election Procedure and Code of Conduct
This policy consolidates four previous policies and specifies procedures for Voting Member elections.